Happy 60th (Virtual) Reunion.  For once in our memory, there was no rain, no cold chilly mornings, or fatiguing walks to our old haunts.  From June 10 to 12 we enjoyed a visual get together from the comfort of our homes and laptops.  As a pandemic restricted event we were able to attract over 150 classmates attending our various Zoom meetings.  Our Thursday cocktail party was an electronic meet-and-greet with the breakout rooms letting us renew memories with our classmates.  Corey Earle regaled us the following morning with the on-campus events of our four years, most of which were lost in the mists of time. EXCEPT – Asian Flu.  15% of us came down with the bug including me for almost two weeks. Following Corey Earle,  JACK NEAFSEY gave a fine tribute to PETER MEINIG dedicating  a memorial reading room at Uris Library in his honor acknowledging  his contributions to Cornell as a  trustee and contributor to Cornell. 

Class President DICK TATLOW concluded our final break out session Saturday thanking our reunion committee of CAROL FRANKLIN, JIM MOORE, ROSANNA and MARSHALL FRANK for working on our behalf to produce a fine event in difficult circumstances. Also, special thanks to Pat Richards for all the tasks she undertook, and, she has volunteered to continue on into our next five-year period.   PAULINE  DEGANFELDER was recognized for her years spent preplanning this event and a special remembrance to JAY TREADWELL his many contributions to previous reunions.

A post-reunion note from SUE RAND LEWIS. “ We took our own advice after the first ‘61 breakout session and scheduled a zoom reunion of the 40th and 45th reunion chairs.  JON GREENLEAF  in Santa Barbara, PETER (and Elke) GREENBERG in Rockville Centre, NY, and SUE LEWIS (and husband Gordon Garrett) in Sarasota, FL.  We were unable to reach our fourth chair, GINN BUCHANAN CLARK in Fort Wayne, Indiana, but plan to have more of these gatherings until we can arrange to get together in person.  In her stead, GERRIT WHITE joined us for 45 minutes of stories, laughter and catching up prior to the class cocktail party on Saturday.  We found we were all well, all active and all eager to get back together on the hill when conditions will allow.  In the meantime, we were very thankful for the efforts of this year's reunion chairs for bringing us together to reminisce via zoom. All of us were also thankful that our time as reunion chairs was then and not now! “ 

New input and update from our reunion co-chair, CAROL FRANKLIN.  “With the pandemic, I am still working but doing much of it virtually.  More residential clients now but most of my many years of space-planning and interior design were Fortune 500 corporations. I interact with friends from the Leonia community, high school, family and Book Club with 14 SDT sorority sisters as well as Synagogue Gesher Shalom.”

 Moving on from reunion NEWS to Class Notes, DORCAS McDonald sent along an impressive portfolio describing the Learning for Living Institute where she is the Exec. Director.  Located in Boulder, Colorado. The institute focuses on Life Success Skills for young people.  You may visit their website at www.learningforliving.org

Also responding to our call for news is GARRY FRIEDMAN.  Garry retired from CBRE as a commercial real-estate broker after 33 years and still maintains an active practice in Scarsdale.  During the pandemic, his son was working remotely from Garry’s home conducting compliance investigations.  A comment on the pandemic, “You learn to appreciate health and good  company.”

PEGGY THOMAS, our Pottery Lady,  wrote from Ridgefield CT. about life during the pandemic.  “Luckily, Covid did not take away any close friends or loved ones. But it DID take away the ‘busy-ness’ of my daily life.  I left me with TIME.  I realized how free that felt.  I had the time to become creative, free and to explore new forms with my clay.  I had the time to linger in my gardens and appreciate their beauty and bounty and all the work and time I had put into creating them.  I had the time to revel in the silent solitude and surprises of nature as I cleared trails in my woods.  I had the time to thoughtfully transcribe hundreds of letters written by my Dad and Mom, during his three years overseas in WWII,  I treasure this delightful and new found gift of time.  I promise myself to remain disentangled from my former busy life and  concentrate on all the pleasures of my new leisure life.  But the of course, there is always Zoom.”

 RUTH SCHIMEL, ILR 61, has just published her seventh book on Amazon: Happiness and Joy in Work: Preparing for Your Future (the only book with tailored guidance for individuals).  For a description and access to the first chapter: https://www.ruthschimel.com/books/  Ruth will participate in the ILRAA NYC Chapter program, Redefining Retirement: Purpose, Passion and Service on June 23, 7 pm, ET.  (For information/registration, contact Esta Bigler erb4@cornell.edu) retirement,

Finally, from MARILYN SLUTZKY ZUCKER, a request to amend her recent posting in this column.  Apparently only her married name was mentioned leaving some friends in the dark by not mentioning her maiden name.  Hopefully we now have things corrected.

You should be receiving this digital-first publication as part of the new Cornell alumni communications hub launching in July 2021. Please keep your news flowing to us. Doug Fuss  <dougout@attglobal.net>  and Susan Stevens (sastevens61@gmail.com)